To Save What’s Lost is the working title for a longform fiction project which I began in college and have been piecing together since.  It is the story of two young people whose very way of life is threatened to be erased, though they know not how or why.  Rather, I suppose, it’s the story of their quest for answers, in the hopes of finding some solution.

While the project will not remain a serial, I’m presenting it as such for the time being in hopes of garnering support for the project (mostly through Patreon).  This support will allow me to spend more time on it, moving the project forward faster.  Additionally, my Patrons will gain access to extra content and behind-the-scenes information, like audiobook chapters and images of my ridiculous, obsessive worldbuilding notes.

As it is a work in progress, it is absolutely going to happen that as I write more, the new material is going to inform the old material.  Because of this, sometimes things are going to change in posts you’ve already read, so that when you open the published book and read it for the first time, everything will fit neatly together.  When this happens, I’ll be sure to include a link to something resembling “Patch Notes,” so as to include everyone in this convoluted process.

Please consider supporting my Patreon; as I have more time to devote to this project, the benefits will continue to improve and content will be published faster.  For now, though, go check out the Prologue, and please enjoy!